Multipage create
Use the multipage create, which employs the wizard component, when you want users to create resources by completing a set of interrelated tasks. We recommend multipage create for long or complex configurations.
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Building blocks

A. Breadcrumbs
Use full service name or (approved) abbreviated service name as the root page in the breadcrumbs, as a link. As the last entry of the breadcrumbs, use Create or Launch, followed by the form page header.
B. Wizard
Use the wizard component for this pattern. Use it to configure the navigation pane, form header, main content area, action buttons, and optional review page.
C. Info link
Use the Info link next to the label or section title to trigger the help panel.
D. Container
A container contains multiple form fields and uses an h2 heading. You can have more than one container on a page.
Keep the order of sections consistent between the steps and the review page.
E. Form field
Include a field label describing the corresponding control (for example: text inputs, dropdown lists, check boxes, and radio buttons). If you need additional explanation, you can add a form description. Apply standard validation for each field input.
F. Step titles in review
Break down the review page by each step of the create flow. Label each step with the same step title as presented in both the navigation pane and page titles, but without the prefixed verb.
G. Edit buttons
Inline edit buttons on the review page navigate the user back to each correspond step page.
H. Key-value pairs
When there are three or more key-value pairs, organize the contents of a container on the review page into two columns. You can use tables to display inputs for long datasets. For example, a list of tags.
I. Additional expandable section
If necessary, include a section for advanced configuration. Follow the guidelines on single page create.
Any additional settings present in a form should persist on the review page and be closed by default.
J. Side navigation
Navigation is closed by default on forms. For more information about structuring side navigation content, follow the guidelines for side navigation.
K. Help panel
Place supplemental, helpful information in the Help panel. For more information about structuring help content and how users can open help panels, follow the guidelines for help system.
-. Alert (not shown)
Instructions that tell users how to recover from server side page errors. Follow the guidelines for validation.
Key UX concepts
Review page
The last page of the flow summarizes the choices made in previous steps for quick review in the same order that was presented in the flow. Users can review their information on the page and quickly go back to any step for edits. Avoid including interactions on the page such as inline editing or editing modals to keep the focus of the page on review. The page is optional but recommended.
To learn more about form field and page level validation, Follow the guidelines for validation.
Exiting the wizard
Users can exit the wizard at any time. If a user has unsaved changes in the form and attempts to exit before completing the flow, you must prompt users with a modal asking them to confirm that they want to exit the flow. If there is no user input, you may end the multipage creation flow without a prompt.
General guidelines
- Apply the recommended max content area width and default panel states by setting
in the app layout component. - Restrict the flow to minimal mandatory inputs and pages.
- You can use up to seven pages if necessary, but we recommend using three to five pages in the flow.
- Ensure each step is a single page.
- If there are unsaved changes in the flow, launch a modal upon exiting.
- Ensure the user can go back and edit previous choices.
- Apply standard form validation.
- Use sub-resource creation when there are additional sub creation dependencies or additional optional sub resource enhancements . Follow the guidelines for sub resource create.
Writing guidelines
General writing guidelines
Use sentence case, but continue to capitalize proper nouns and brand names correctly in context.
Use end punctuation, except in headers and buttons. Don’t use exclamation points.
Use present-tense verbs and active voice.
Don't use please, thank you, ellipsis (...), ampersand (&), e.g., i.e., or etc. in writing.
Avoid directional language.
For example: use previous not above, use following not below.
Use device-independent language.
For example: use choose or select not click.
Component-specific guidelines
The last breadcrumb item should not change while navigating through the form.
Step or form titles
Page descriptions
Follow the writing guidelines for form descriptions.
Container headings
Begin container headings with a noun. Follow the writing guidelines for headers.
Container descriptions
Follow the writing guidelines for headers.
Follow the general writing guidelines for forms.
Placeholders in fields
Follow the writing guidelines for placeholder text.
Defaults in fields
Follow the writing guidelines for select.
Constraint text
Follow the writing guidelines for form fields.
Follow the writing guidelines for wizard action buttons.
Accessibility guidelines
General accessibility guidelines
Follow the guidelines on alternative text and Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) regions for each component.
Make sure to define ARIA labels aligned with the language context of your application.
Don't add unnecessary markup for roles and landmarks. Follow the guidelines for each component.
Provide keyboard functionality to all available content in a logical and predictable order. The flow of information should make sense.
Component-specific guidelines
Make navigation links, form inputs, and buttons keyboard accessible, in a logical order.
Follow the accessibility guidelines for forms.