Design resources
Streamline your design process with official Cloudscape resources.
Published: May 31, 2022
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Design resources
The Cloudscape Figma library provides a comprehensive set of components and global styles for building accessible and intuitive interfaces. The file can be used both as a library (which you can publish to access all components from any design file), and a sticker sheet (to copy and paste elements to your design files).
For more details about the Cloudscape Figma library, check out the getting started guide inside the file. If you're new to Figma, check out the Figma getting started guides or Figma YouTube channel .
New version of Cloudscape Figma library is available
Discover the latest enhancements with variable-based styling, updated Cloudscape components optimized for information density, and enhanced file performance. Seamlessly switch between light and dark modes, and explore advanced theming capabilities.

Figma component library
A collection of all components, variants, and variables, including color, text, and layer styles.
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